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HUD Assist

The HUD Assist Division of Constructive Forensics performs Pre-REAC/NSPIRE inspections of properties, conducts trainings either in-person or via Webinar, provides shadowing during REAC/NSPIRE inspections, and prepares appeals of low REAC/NSPIRE scores. Our Pre-REAC/NSPIRE software utilizes geo-mapping that will show you exactly where the deficiencies are and will generate a report using HUD’s scoring system so that you can focus on repairing the highest scoring defects first.

Our motto is,

“The more you understand, the higher you’ll score, the less you’ll see REAC/NSPIRE inspectors, and the happier the tenants will be!” 

Learn how to become
and stay REAC/NSPIRE  ready!

Webinars and In-Person Trainings

Constructive Forensics conducts REAC/UPCS/NSPIRE trainings including a comprehensive explanation of the high-scoring deficiencies in the inspectable areas, Health and Safety deficiencies, the latest changes in the protocol, the scoring system, and how to successfully prepare for a REAC/NSPIRE inspection.


If you are unhappy with your REAC/NSPIRE score, we may be able to help!  Scoring directly affects when your next inspection will be:

  1. 90+ = 3 years
  2. 80-89 = 2 years
  3. 79 and below = 1 year.

A fail is considered 59 or less so every point counts!

Constructive Forensics utilizes a HUD-approved template to file a Technical Review or Database Adjustment for your property to win back the points that were inaccurately scored against you. Thus far, we have a 90% success rate in getting properties to a passing score!

Consultation / Pre-REAC Inspections

Whether it be questions you just need answered or full Pre-REAC/NSPIRE inspections of your property, Constructive Forensics can help! Inspired by our twenty plus years of experience in new construction and defect litigation, our Pre-REAC/NSPIRE inspections focus on the same UPCS defects and utilizes the same scoring model that HUD implements to accurately estimate scores.  Our unique, patented software developed by our IT team will map out virtually every defect recorded during the Pre-REAC/NSPIRE inspection so that you don’t have to solely rely on inspector comments.  The inspection data is online for your authorized personnel to filter out any type of report you may require.  For example: You can run a report for all plumbing-related defects to give to your plumber or you can run a report on thermopane window seal defects to capitalize on the 10-year warranty most properties have.

Additionally, our software has the ability to provide a Correction Inspection – where we can conduct another inspection weeks or months after the first, following up that all recorded defects were repaired complete with date stamps and before/after pictures!