‘HUD-NSPIRE Demystified: A Deep Dive into the New Inspection Process’
The (8) 1.5-hour series starts tomorrow, September 29th from 10 am – 11:30 am PST
Can’t commit to an 8-week course? We have a 2-day training available
October 25-26th from 9 am – 4:30 pm PST
Register here: HUD-NSPIRE Full Training!
In this September 2023 issue of our HUD-REAC-NSPIRE Monthly Newsletter, I will be going over the new NSPIRE compliance date for the following programs:
- HCV – Housing Choice Vouchers
- PBV – Project Based Vouchers (not to be confused with PBRA – Project Based Rental Assistance)
- Mod Rehab – Moderate Rehabilitation programs
- CPD – Community Planning and Development programs (HOME, HTF, HOPWA, ESG, and COC)
Read the full Notice from HUD here: HCV-PBV – NSPIRE Compliance Date Extension
- HUD is encouraging PHAs (public housing agencies) to implement NSPIRE as soon as possible, but they understand if additional time is necessary to train staff, communicate with landlords and to allow HUD time to provide additional technical resources to help with the transition.
- Some of the resources promised are an Excel spreadsheet for documenting NSPIRE deficiencies (this can also be used for PHA and Multifamily required self-inspections) and a NSPIRE-V app specifically for programs that currently get HQS inspections!
To continue using HQS (Housing Quality Standards) until October 1, 2024 – you MUST do the following:
- Send an email to AND a courtesy copy to your local HUD Field Office representative.
- The subject line must read “Notification of Extension of HQS, [enter PHA code]”
- The body of the email should include:
- The PHA name
- PHA code
- A statement that HQS will continue to be used
- The date the PHA tentatively plans to implement NSPIRE (cannot be later than October 1, 2024)!
- If a PHA implements NSPIRE after October 1, 2023 but before October 1, 2024 – the PHA must notify HUD via email to with a courtesy copy to the local Field Office representative.
- The email subject line must read, “Notification of Implementation of NSPIRE, [PHA code]”
- The body of the email should include the following:
- PHA name
- PHA code
- A statement that the PHA will be transitioning to NSPIRE
- The date the PHA will implement NSPIRE (no later than 10/1/2024)
CPD Programs (Home, HTF, HOPWA, ESG and COC)
Read the full Notice from HUD here: CPD – NSPIRE Compliance Date Extension
- HUD is postponing the NSPIRE compliance date for CPD programs until October 1, 2024 because HUD has not yet published the “lists of specific deficiencies for HOME and HTF in the Federal Register” thus HOME Participating jurisdictions and HTF grantees will need additional time to incorporate the list of specific deficiencies into their rehabilitation and ongoing property standards and policies and procedures.
- HUD states that HOME and HTF should prepare for the compliance date by updating property standard regulatory citations and requirements in written agreement templates with State recipients, subrecipients, and project owners as required by 24 CFR 92.504(c) and 24 CFR 93.404(c).
- IMPORTANT: HOME participating jurisdictions and HTF grantees that implement the changes in the NSPIRE final rule before publication of the subset of deficiencies for HOME and HTF must implement the full set of deficiencies in the NSPIRE Standards in their rehabilitation and ongoing property standards and policies and procedures. Additionally, they may not implement the changes in the NSPIRE final rule until such rehabilitation and ongoing property standards and policies and procedures are updated consistent with NSPIRE.
- HUD also intends to publish guidance on which NSPIRE standards apply to CoC, ESG, and HOPWA programs.
- There is nothing in this extension of the compliance date preventing CoC, ESG, and HOPWA from using NSPIRE standards beginning Oct 1, 2023.
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