In this January 2023 issue of our HUD-REAC Monthly Newsletter, I am going to discuss 2 new NSPIRE updates. I expect to have another major update for you in February after I attend HUD’s NSPIRE session on January 31st.
Multi-Family NSPIRE Demonstration Participants Update – Effective January 25, 2023!
A major announcement was just posted to the Federal Register effective today which affects Multi-Family participants in the NSPIRE Demonstration.
Because HUD extended the Demonstration, many properties have not had an inspection of record (scored inspection) for many years.
Between April 1st and September 30, 2023, if you get selected for a NSPIRE inspection – it will be scored and become your new INSPECTION OF RECORD!
What is especially concerning here is that HUD has yet to release their scoring model officially. Essentially, those inspected during this time frame will be the guinea pigs for the new scoring system however it will become your OFFICIAL SCORE and replace your previously scored REAC inspection!
I have been a huge supporter of becoming involved in the NSPIRE Demonstration in order to provide invaluable feedback to HUD. Scoring is, of course, by far the most important aspect that needs to be tested. I am absolutely horrified that they intend to make this your official score instead of an “advisory” (not official) score when scoring has not yet been tested whatsoever. Even if by some miracle they begin testing their scoring system on February 1st…that only gives them 2 months to gather a small sample of scoring results to analyze.
You must submit an emailed request to opt out to NO LATER THAN MARCH 1st, 2023!!!!
By Opting Out – you are agreeing to be inspected under the current REAC/UPCS protocol.
As far as I am concerned, I would rather be inspected under a protocol and scoring system that I know, rather than one that hasn’t completed testing yet.
Click this link to read the Federal Register notice
New start date dates for NSPIRE
Public Housing has a new official start date for NSPIRE official inspections of record – July 1st, 2023. This was initially April 1st but has now been extended. As of this writing, Multi-Family official NSPIRE inspections are set to begin October 1st for everyone receiving HUD assistance (loans, Section 8, FHA insured, etc.)
To recap – the NSPIRE Demo is currently scheduled to end for PHA’s on June 30th and for MF on September 30th (see the exception above for those that have volunteered to be part of the Demo).
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